Church of the Sacred Rose-Colored Flame

Church of the Sacred Rose-Colored Flame

Come for the flock, stay for the talk.


We're a church that anyone can join.
Our goal is to increase empathy, love, and serenity.

What do we do?

We promote acceptance, teach strategies to deal with a hectic and divided world, and foster community.

What do we believe?

  • All people deserve love, respect, and acceptance.
  • Animals are important and deserve our protection and care.
  • "Trusting your gut" is a real thing - we teach and learn about ways to be able to attune this sense.
  • Energy and stress management can have a positive impact on longevity and health.

How did this come about?

On two occasions, The Oracle saw a vision: a powerful and calm being, similar in looks to a Flamingo. However, there were a few key differences:
  • One great eye in the middle of her forehead.
  • Three bare human breasts.
  • Six strong wings.
  • Nine long legs, all pointing in different directions.

So, you all worship a Lovecraftian-Flamingo god-monster?

Well, no.
In her appearance to The Oracle, the being was silent, but conveyed a complex message. One of the first things that message contained is that all religions are like the faces of a many-sided die. Where we're born, societal norms, and other factors we can't control have such a huge weight in our religious lives that it does seem like a roll of the dice as to which religion we choose.
Even agnosticism, atheism, and scientism are faces of this same die.
The point is: use your spiritual energy how you want, as long as you respect the beliefs listed above.

But why a flamingo, though?

The visual appearance is a message; these types of beings can appear in any number of forms. The Oracle is still decoding this message.
Note the nine feet: all pointing in different directions. The being is calm and still, but is able to shift direction at any time.
The six wings enable this massive being to fly. Each pair individually is strong, but together, they can lift us all up.
Next, the three breasts symbolize a wealth of energy that is perfectly designed for us.
Finally, the third eye on her forehead: our intentions are clear. Even if our actions fall short, she knows that we are like grains of sand, tossed along the beach by a blustering wind.
No pressure, though.